Monday, January 15, 2007 |
Every Chocolate Lover's Dream-Come-True: A New Chocolate Milk That Delivers Rich, Creamy Flavor Without the Fat |
HP Hood introduces Simply Smart(R) Chocolate Fat Free Milk
CHELSEA, Mass., Jan. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, parents and kids acrossNew England are celebrating the arrival of a chocolate milk that's creamyand delicious -- and just as healthy and nutritious! HP Hood, the region'sleading dairy innovator, introduces Simply Smart(R) Chocolate Fat FreeMilk, with all the rich, indulgent taste of chocolate 2% milk minus the fatand extra calories.
With 50% more protein than chocolate reduced fat milk, Simply SmartChocolate Fat Free Milk is a light and nutritious way to indulge in adelicious glass of chocolate milk. Every 8-ounce glass contains 12 grams ofprotein, 35% daily value of calcium and 25% daily value of vitamin D.Additionally, Simply Smart Chocolate Fat Free Milk contains no artificialsweeteners -- guaranteeing a fresh, natural chocolate taste not found withpowder- or syrup-based chocolate milk products-and is produced without theuse of artificial growth hormones.*
"With so many high-fat, low-nutrition foods on the market today, Hood'sSimply Smart Chocolate Fat Free Milk is a convenient alternative forhealth- conscious families who don't want to sacrifice a creamy, chocolatetaste," said Registered Dietician Elizabeth M. Ward, mother of three andauthor of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feeding Your Baby and Toddler."It's also an excellent source of protein, calcium and vitamin D. With lotsof nutritional value, great flavor and no fat, Simply Smart Chocolate FatFree Milk is an easy choice for the entire family."
For its Simply Smart line of products, Hood found an innovative,natural technique called ultra-filtration to remove some of the liquid thatcan make lowfat and fat free milks look and taste watery. Hood's otherSimply Smart products include Simply Smart Fat Free Milk, Simply Smart 1%Lowfat Milk, and Simply Smart Fat Free Half & Half.
Hood Simply Smart Chocolate Fat Free Milk is available at groceryretailers throughout New England in 64-ounce (half-gallon) containers. Formore information, visit
About Hood Hood was founded in 1846 in Charlestown, Massachusetts, by HarveyPerley Hood, and has become one of the largest branded dairy operators inthe United States. Hood is the number-one dairy brand in New England, andHood's portfolio of national and super-regional brands and franchiseproducts includes Kemps, Crowley Foods, LACTAID, Nesquik, Coffee-mate,Stonyfield Farm Organic Milk, Arizona FRESH Iced Tea and others. * To satisfy our consumers, our farmers pledge to produce milk fromcows not treated with artificial growth hormones. |
posted by All About Home @ 2:41 AM |
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